Saturday 4 January 2014

New Year, New Me....Sort Of

It's been a year!!

One year ago now-ish since I first started this blog and set myself off on taking control of what I was eating and holding myself accountable for my diet and fitness routine. It's been a rollercoaster really, and my weight has fluctuated somewhat, but I can honestly say that for the most part, I've felt much better about myself and have enjoyed the process :).

Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, I have the exact same goal now as I did this time last year. Remember back in August, and I finally got in to the skinny jeans my mam bought me? Yeah, well I'm not in them anymore *sigh*. But I am hoping to be by my birthday in 5 weeks time.

I have signed up for the Blogilates Diet Bet where I now have 27 days to lose 2.8kg (about 6lb) which is a few, but technically doable. I've also set myself up for the new Nerdfitness Challenge, with pretty decent quests to help me reach my goal. I'm going to lift more, walk more, eat smoothies again and just generally take care of myself.

The other day I made myself a meal plan, which can be found in my workout & food diary spreadsheet (cause I'm anal like that), and the idea is that I shall plan for meals for each week, then workout a shopping list and that way I won't spend as much on crap food and stuff I don't need. That's the plan anyway, I suppose we'll see how it actually goes.

The whole thing kicks off on Monday, when I go back to the gym and start taking care of myself.

Wish me luck!!

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