Monday 14 April 2014

Roller Derby Workouts

Last week I went to the intake session for the local Roller Derby team, the Middlesbrough Milk Rollers.

I had so much fun, and I didn't fall down once - yay me! I was very chuffed with how well I did, I can't stop...or turn very well, but I can go pretty fast, I managed all the fall techniques and I even managed some cross overs.

The next day though, I was so sore!! Which means I seriously need to work on my derby orientated fitness. Therefore I came up with these two workouts:

They're a little bit different, however they both focus on the muscles that I really felt the day after my two hour skating session.

Plenty of lunges and squats, plus exercises to strengthen my ankles & knees, get a stronger core and also upper body fitness for all the shoulder checking I'm going to be doing!

The first Newbie Session is tomorrow night and I'm so excited, I can't wait to really get started on this sport!

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