Wednesday 3 April 2013

New Workout

I've been going to the gym this week, around midday after doing a few hours revision, but then before bed I find time and do a short fitness routine of my own making - like the ones I've posted before.

Today I'm planning on squats!

Squats, as anyone who's interested in fitness will tell you, are awesome. Done properly they work an amazing number of muscle groups, including the biggest of them all - your bum. Now, my bum's huge, but I want it to be perky - thus, squats.

Some instructions:
Keep back straight, head up, shoulders back, and when you squat keep your knees in line with your toes.
Plie squats - feet wider than hips, toes turned out
Squat jumps - if you live in a flat/need to be quiet, keep you're jump small and make sure to bend your knees to soften the landing.
Squat, side crunch - Down for your squat, stand up and press your knee at the side up towards your shoulder  (like a sumo wrestler) to work your obliques

Then get down into the squat - may want to take the feet a little wider - press fingers up towards the sky, bring hands round wide, back to centre, then do two quick jabs forward. Repeat x20
Squat kicks - Still in your squat, kick your leg out to the side.

Narrow squat - knees and feet together and go as low as you can!

I've been thinking of making short videos to go with these, but we'll see :)

Have fun squatting! and be prepared for your thighs and bum to hurt the next day :D

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