Thursday 16 May 2013

2 Day Diet Update

I haven't been very good with this diet. My diet days have slipped into days where I simply don't snack,  which is good, I suppose, but they were meant to be more extreme than they have been.

The fact is that since my exams started, I don't have the drive to be good. I've barely been going to the gym. All I do all day is wake up at 7am, revise until noon, eat my lunch, take a 30 minute break, then revise until 5pm, have my tea, and sometimes revise until 9pm. I'm driving myself into the ground. But today, I'm going to the gym, and I'm determined to go tomorrow also. This weekend, I'm going to try and get myself back on track, because I only have two exams left, and I want to look good by the time they've finished haha.

I've been taking vitamins every day too. Zinc and vitamin C and a multi vitamin that's meant to be good for your hair and such. Every morning I wake up with a sore throat. This is not good, as for me this means there's a cold/flu coming on. And every year after I finish my exams, I generally end up in bed for about a week with a rather severe cold. Because while my exams are going, I'm so stressed out that the increased levels of cortisol and such keep my immune system running at superhuman speeds.

But this year I have to work straight after my exams, so I really don't want to be ill. Thus the zinc and the looking after myself. For once, I want to finish my exams and just go straight into enjoying my summer, not stuck in bed wondering if I'll ever feel good again.

I'm about to post a recipe for something we had for tea the other night. It's actually low calorie, which is more than I can say for the curry we had last night or the nachos we're having tonight xD

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