Thursday 16 May 2013

Vegetable Pasta Bake

This is a very yummy pasta bake, it's full of vitamins (200% your GDA of vitamin C) it also has your entire recommended daily allowance for fibre (though I tend to aim for 20g, per serving this has 14g). It's very easy to do, and requires very little effort, which is ideal for me, what with being a student and all :).

Ingredients (to serve 2)
3 handfuls of dried pasta
1 courgette
1 red pepper
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 crushed garlic clove
handful of frozen green beans and peas
200mL vegetable stock
some grated cheese

Boil your pasta, and while that's going, chop up your onion, courgette, pepper and tomatoes and grate some cheese. Then fry your onion and garlic until soft, before added in everything but the cheese. Simmer for about ten minutes, then drain you pasta and mix with your vegetables before adding to an oven proof dish. Cover with cheese and bake for 30-35 minutes.

I used full fat cheese, because I think it melts nicer, but you could use low fat cheese to reduce the calories. Also, if you dry fry your ingredients you'll reduce the calories too. But you need a little fat in your diet, so I generally cook using just a little bit of oil.

Nutritional Info (per serving)
475 Calories
25.7g total fat
14g fibre
24.3g protein
116% vitamin A
274.4% vitamin C

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