Sunday 18 August 2013

Just another fad diet?

For a while now I've read a lot about a thing called Paleo.

The idea is that 10,000 years ago the farming revolution began, but before that we sustained as hunter gatherers for like 140,000 years and so we have evolved to subsist on things we could catch and cook, as opposed to the highly processed foods we now survive on. The 'Paleo Diet' therefore provides this idea: to live as our ancestors did, on unprocessed meat and fish, vegetables (not fried in a ton of fat), nuts, seeds and fruit.

So what does this cut out? Well it means that anything using wheat is out. That means breads, cakes, most cereals are now gone from your diet. Also most dairy - you can have eggs, but for some reason they say you can't drink cows milk, but I'm going to say this right now - we've been milking animals for a while now, and I mean like 75,000 years ago, so there we go. People who persist on the Paleo Diet also say that beer is out, well I'd just like to say that beer should most definitely be in. We as a race have been brewing beer for about 15,000 years, so I'd say you're good with that.

The problem is....well the problem is that people are like 'Oh for the last 10,000 years our diets have changed but we haven't' and it's like, okay, but Paleolithic man was extinct when the Neolithic age dawned circa 9,000BC, which is still a very long time ago, but in the Neolithic age we milked animals and brewed beer and made a form of bread. But that's still outside of your 10,000 year window.

I'm interested in this 'Paleo Diet', but frankly I'm not prepared to go at it full whack. But I am going to reduce my dairy intake, and try to stop eating bread. So we shall see :)

I'll let you know how it goes :)

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