Friday 30 August 2013


I lost 3lb last week :)

This week I've been to the gym and on a 5 mile walk with Rob around a golf course, and hopefully I've been eating well enough that I'll have a similar loss this week, but we shall see. I did go out for steak for my tea again last night, so you never know.

However, yesterday I joined Blogilates Dietbet. The idea is you 'bet' $25 (£16.62) then you have an initial weigh in, where you weigh yourself and take photos, then you attempt to lose 4% of your weight in 28 days and if you manage you win! and get a share of the pot :).

4% of my weight is about 5lb, so that's just a little over 1lb every week, which I think should be more than doable. I'll be back at university for a couple of the weeks, so I'm likely to be going to the gym far more often, and as I'll be buying my own food again, perhaps I'll be eating a little healthier too. Also, in the next two weeks, (the first of the challenge) my parents are away, so I'm going to be deciding on my own evening meals.

I'm crossing my fingers that I'll manage, because I really want my $25 back lol.

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