Sunday 11 August 2013

Are you there?

I'm sitting in my room, listening to the second album of Foo Fighter's In Your Honor, the slow one, and I'm finding it hard to believe that I bought it seven years ago. It doesn't feel that long since I was listening to it in the back of the rental car on Sanibel Island reading The Dark by James Herbert (amazing book by the way, probably shouldn't have read it when I was 15...but oh well :D).

Anyway, I haven't posted anything in a while, because I've been so super busy I simply haven't had the time! First of all, it was Rob's graduation. Oh my god it was amazing. Got to be honest, I choked up a little seeing him going up there and being 'hooded'. Just that university is now over, and we're finally moving on to the next part of our lives. Even though I still have a year of university left, we're almost ready to begin properly living our lives. Like we want to.

Then we went on holiday to Cornwall for a week! However, at the start we first headed to London where I had an interview for a pre-registration scheme, and I was offered the place. Which is amazing! However, since then I've been offered a second one and have an interview with a company I really, really would like to work for. So we'll see. But we spent a week in Cornwall, walking a lot, reading an awful lot of tea, feeding animals and just generally enjoying our time together. It was lovely. Just really, really nice, and I was not looking forward to coming home, because I then started into two weeks of working overtime!

I'll be honest, I didn't mind doing the extra hours, in fact I had fun. The thing is I really, honestly enjoy my job. I work with a lovely bunch of people and every day is something different, and even when we have patients who maybe aren't as polite as I'd like, it's still a generally good day. In the middle of those two weeks, I also went to York with a friend from uni to meet up with some lovely ladies I met through the internet. It was a terribly fun weekend, though I did spend Sunday very hungover lol.

So, as you can imagine, the last three weeks haven't left much room for exercising and/or keeping up with the diet. I've decided that I'd quite like to get to under 10 stone before I go back to uni, but I'm sure that'll change once I'm properly back into the swing of things.

I went to the gym this morning. Had a go on the stair master. I only did 5 minutes, I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to walk again after that! But I did apparently do 15 floors, which I think is pretty impressive for my first go. My thighs though, oh Jesus Christ...let's just say it was difficult.

The next two days I'm going to be going out with my family, who - even though I've been living at home for about 10 weeks - I feel like I've hardly seen. But I'm still going to go to the gym in the morning! Got to get back on the horse as it were and start being good again :).

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