Friday 27 September 2013

Ratatouille Bake

I didn't take a photo! It looked amazing, you'll just have to believe me when I say this :).

So in my fridge I had 2 courgettes, an aubergine and Greek yogurt (among other things) but I kept thinking that I wanted to do something with them. First I found a recipe for ratatouille, but then I kept thinking about this aubergine bake I had a couple of weeks ago so I decided to mix the two!

1 Aubergine chopped
2 Courgettes chopped
2 Tins of tomatoes
200g Greek yogurt
50g Cheese grated
1/2 red onion chopped
Splash of ground nut oil

Fry the onion in the ground nut oil in a frying pan. Then add the courgette and the aubergine, sweat down before adding the two tins of tomatoes plus any spices (I added Worcestershire sauce and chili). Then place this into a baking dish and top with greek yogurt mixed with the grated cheese. Then bake in the oven at 200C for about 20 minutes.

I served mine with a sweet potato :) This also made enough for three meals :D

Nutritional Info
186 Calories
13g Protein
14g total Carbs

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Back at Uni...

And killing it!!

Yes, three days ago I returned to university for my very final year! And let me just say that so far, it's going well.

I've settled well into my house, and while I miss my fiance and my family, things are getting better. I've already been to the gym twice and am eating superbly if I do say so myself! I came home from lectures yesterday and got them typed up that same night - so long as I can keep this up, I think I'll be okay!

It's a horrible day today, but I walked to the gym, and spent about an hour there using the free weights, doing lots of squats and things. I also got to wear some of my new gym gear, the jogging leggings my mum brought me back from Florida. They're SUPER tight, but they make me feel sexy, so I like them :).

This morning for breakfast I've have a quarter of a honeydew melon, and I have a mango, raspberry, pear smoothie to drink once I've had a shower. Then for lunch I'm having my paleo pancakes, cause they're yummy and warm and it looks really cold out! Then I'll be off walking to uni for Fresher's Fair, then to the single lecture I have today, and finally home for my tea (leftover from last night - Spinach and ricotta filled pasta shells with a tomato and aubergine sauce - YUMMY!). And then I'm going bowling with the pharmacy committee!

Busy busy.

I'm really hoping that I can do well this week and manage to keep the weight off so I can win my dietbet. I've got myself some vanilla ice cream and galaxy counters for when I win :D

Friday 13 September 2013

Yummy Lunches

So I've lost 2.6lb :D which is awesome! And I put it down to trying to be really good with what I'm eating this week. I don't know how many calories are in these things, but I know I've been getting at least 1200 a day.

Wednesday I had this lovely salad, made with fried bacon, a fig, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and avocado. Plus a drizzle of homemade vinaigrette. It was so yummy! And very filling :) Just what I needed to get me through my afternoon of sewing.

Then yesterday I have a mushroom, spinach and cheese omelette, which too was yummy :)

Then last night I had a vegetable dupiaza from the local take away xD. But I weighed myself this morning and like I say, I've lost 2.6lb :D

Tuesday 10 September 2013


So here in the north of England, Autumn's properly hit. Even when the sun is out there's still that fresh breeze that means you need your cardi on. Today, I even wore boots!

As such, it's time for me to hit this new season with a bang. In a previous post I showed you my shopping haul, and this is my meal plan for the week:

Honeydew melon & Nectarine w/ Greek yogurt
Honeydew melon & peach
Porridge w/ peaches & blueberries
Pancakes w/ raspberries
Wheat a bix w/ peaches
Orange & peach
Porridge sachet made w/ water & honey
Fig & roasted avocado spinach salad
Mushroom spinach omelette
Peach, avocado & fig salad
+ fruit jelly snack [@work]
Jacket potato

Porridge w/ raspberries

Roasted courgette w/ sweet potato & corn on the cob
Indian take-away
Chicken Kiev w/ chips
Aubergine & tomato bake
Pork chops w/ mash potatoes & veg
Jacket potato
Rob’s bday


Obviously these are subject to change, though I don't think they will by any vast amount.

Shopping Trip!

I went shopping last night after work, and bought lots of healthy yummy things :)

Let's see, we have:

  • Half a honeydew
  • 3 Peaches
  • 3 Figs
  • 2 Avocados
  • 3 Courgettes
  • 1 Red onion
  • Packet of mushrooms
  • Bag of baby spinach
  • Corn on the cob
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Greek yogurt
  • Canned tomatoes
And what am I going to do with all of this?! Honestly, I'm not 100% sure. I need to buy an aubergine, because on Saturday we're having an Aubergine, Tomato bake, which should be yummy. The courgettes I'm having tomorrow for tea as baked courgettes with corn on the cob and salad, which should be nice too. The figs and spinach will be going into salads; fig and roasted sweet potato salad and roasted peach, avocado and spinach salad. The honeydew shall be for breakfasts, with the oranges and nectarines I already have in my fruit bowl.

I'm really excited about these meals this week. The figs and avocado especially! I've never used figs, but I know I like them, so it should be interesting :D

Thursday 5 September 2013

Working Out

I've lost 2lb since starting my dietbet! Just hope I can keep that off this week and improve on it for next week :)

Today I didn't go to the gym, as I went yesterday, instead I did day 5 of the Blogilates Sweatember Calender. You have to subscribe to her site to get the password to be able to see the calender :) However, this was my favourite video from today's workout! My arms were dying!!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Low Calorie Vegetable Soup

This is a super yummy, very low calorie soup, that is perfect for me right now because I have a cold! But my diet-bet is starting tomorrow, so I need to be on the ball!

Ingredients are below. In a large saucepan fry the carrots, onion and leek, then add the tin of tomatoes, puree, stock and frozen peas. Bring to the boil then add the dried pasta shapes and simmer for a further 15 minutes :)

Ingredients (Makes 4)
2 chopped carrots
1 onion chopped
1 chopped leek
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1tsp tomato puree
1 litre vegetable stock
80g dried pasta
40g frozen peas
Splash of Worcestershire sauce

Nutritional Info
106 calories
0.8g fat
3.1g fibre
3.9g protein
94.2% vitamin A