Wednesday 25 September 2013

Back at Uni...

And killing it!!

Yes, three days ago I returned to university for my very final year! And let me just say that so far, it's going well.

I've settled well into my house, and while I miss my fiance and my family, things are getting better. I've already been to the gym twice and am eating superbly if I do say so myself! I came home from lectures yesterday and got them typed up that same night - so long as I can keep this up, I think I'll be okay!

It's a horrible day today, but I walked to the gym, and spent about an hour there using the free weights, doing lots of squats and things. I also got to wear some of my new gym gear, the jogging leggings my mum brought me back from Florida. They're SUPER tight, but they make me feel sexy, so I like them :).

This morning for breakfast I've have a quarter of a honeydew melon, and I have a mango, raspberry, pear smoothie to drink once I've had a shower. Then for lunch I'm having my paleo pancakes, cause they're yummy and warm and it looks really cold out! Then I'll be off walking to uni for Fresher's Fair, then to the single lecture I have today, and finally home for my tea (leftover from last night - Spinach and ricotta filled pasta shells with a tomato and aubergine sauce - YUMMY!). And then I'm going bowling with the pharmacy committee!

Busy busy.

I'm really hoping that I can do well this week and manage to keep the weight off so I can win my dietbet. I've got myself some vanilla ice cream and galaxy counters for when I win :D

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