Friday 27 September 2013

Ratatouille Bake

I didn't take a photo! It looked amazing, you'll just have to believe me when I say this :).

So in my fridge I had 2 courgettes, an aubergine and Greek yogurt (among other things) but I kept thinking that I wanted to do something with them. First I found a recipe for ratatouille, but then I kept thinking about this aubergine bake I had a couple of weeks ago so I decided to mix the two!

1 Aubergine chopped
2 Courgettes chopped
2 Tins of tomatoes
200g Greek yogurt
50g Cheese grated
1/2 red onion chopped
Splash of ground nut oil

Fry the onion in the ground nut oil in a frying pan. Then add the courgette and the aubergine, sweat down before adding the two tins of tomatoes plus any spices (I added Worcestershire sauce and chili). Then place this into a baking dish and top with greek yogurt mixed with the grated cheese. Then bake in the oven at 200C for about 20 minutes.

I served mine with a sweet potato :) This also made enough for three meals :D

Nutritional Info
186 Calories
13g Protein
14g total Carbs

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