Tuesday 10 September 2013


So here in the north of England, Autumn's properly hit. Even when the sun is out there's still that fresh breeze that means you need your cardi on. Today, I even wore boots!

As such, it's time for me to hit this new season with a bang. In a previous post I showed you my shopping haul, and this is my meal plan for the week:

Honeydew melon & Nectarine w/ Greek yogurt
Honeydew melon & peach
Porridge w/ peaches & blueberries
Pancakes w/ raspberries
Wheat a bix w/ peaches
Orange & peach
Porridge sachet made w/ water & honey
Fig & roasted avocado spinach salad
Mushroom spinach omelette
Peach, avocado & fig salad
+ fruit jelly snack [@work]
Jacket potato

Porridge w/ raspberries

Roasted courgette w/ sweet potato & corn on the cob
Indian take-away
Chicken Kiev w/ chips
Aubergine & tomato bake
Pork chops w/ mash potatoes & veg
Jacket potato
Rob’s bday


Obviously these are subject to change, though I don't think they will by any vast amount.

I'm trying to eat as cleanly as possible, so yes there is a take away in there, but aside from that and the chicken kievs, it's all pretty fresh food. I'm hoping I'll actually lose some weight this coming week!

Tonight I also drew myself a 'detox bath'. I've googled and pinterested these a lot because they're meant to be awesome. Well...I don't know yet, I'm still sweating xD. It was 3 tablespoons epsom salts, dash of ginger, 2 tablespoons sea salt and some lemon juice. 

It smelled amazing, but I am still sweating like a mofo xD. I also used a sugar scrub and a dry brush and my skin does feel fantastic.

I also had a dabble at making a face mask :) 

1 tablespoon fullers earth cream, 1/2 a mashed avocado, some honey and some tea tree oil. 

It smelled delicious, and my face is feeling very soft (I had it on while I was in the bath). And I'm pretty sure there's enough there to last for a few masks. However, I have no idea how long this mask will last, what with it being made of fresh ingredients, so it's in the fridge, and we'll have to see :)

I'm even thinking of a new hair colour for autumn. Going back to ginger, but maybe as an ombre? I'm not sure, I just know that for a while I've been sick of being blond, but because I haven't had a drastic change in so long I've been afraid. But no longer! I'm going to speak to my mam when she get's home from her holiday, and then I think I'm going to go for it :D

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