Friday 5 July 2013

Healthy Food and Exercise

I'm living with my parents at the moment, back home from university for the summer, and I was a little...worried, about how my diet would go. But as it turns out, they're both on diets too! My dads lost half a stone already, in about a month, so yeah. Woo hoo! My mam's jealous, because she's not losing anything, but she will, I know she will :).

Anyway, my mam has been taking all of our dinner recipes from these Rosemary Conley (how good does she look for 60 something btw?!) magazines and recipe books. And I thought, hmmm, I'll have a look through, and there was a breakfast suggestion in one of them that I just had to try. Well, I had it the other morning, and it's become pretty much my staple meal lately xD.

That's two wheat-a-bix with just a little milk (enough to make them a little soft) topped with sliced tinned peaches. It's 168 calories and it's delicious! Plus it's already a pretty decent start to one of your five a day, right?

It's such an awesome post workout breakfast I can't even begin to tell you.

Today I also went to the gym - it's moving, and I really hope the room it goes to has windows - I killed it! 5 minute warm up on the rower - high intensity, I was sweating before I'd even really started. Then I did this:

Now, you all know how much I love and adore Cassey Ho off of Blogilates. She's my major fitspiration - her and Jennifer Lawrence, they're both such beautiful healthy ladies. And she's been making these printables and today I was like - I am doing this!

I was a bit of a wimp and only did one set of each, but this wasn't the only thing was doing. I added on about 30 more squats, plus plie squats with heel raises, chest presses, skull-crushers etc.

I was dying! Then I did 10 minute sprints on the treadmill.

My stomach hurts now, and I can't tell if it's actual tummy ache or if it's my muscles xD, but it only really hurts when I stand up. But it's so sunny and warm out today, I really don't plan to do a lot of standing haha.

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