Thursday 11 July 2013


This is my blogs centenary. My 100th post. I've been on this journey of weight loss, healthy living and generally sorting my life out for over seven months now.

First thing to say is: I've now lost 7lb since I restarted exercising and eating well after my exams. So wehey!

I did my final resit on Monday, and my results are going to be released tomorrow. Not sure whether it'll be 9am or 5pm...I'm reckoning 5pm but you never know. Not yet nervous, but I'm sure I will be tomorrow.

Yesterday, I went to Beamish Museum with Rob. It was so lovely! Cooler than it has been, and overcast, so it was the perfect day to go around it to be honest. There's an awful lot of walking involved. Plus, we had the most delicious fish and chips that have ever passed my lips. Fried in beef dripping. I didn't complete My Fitness Pal for yesterday, because I reckon my lunch alone was my daily allowance, then with the lasagne and chips, and apple pie and custard I had for tea. Oh I don't even want to think how many calories I ate yesterday.

Today I was very good, to make up for it. I had a smoothie for breakfast, which I ate on the way to town to shop with my mam (bought a peach jumper, brown knee high boots, some shorts for my hols, three pairs of pants and a rather special bra to wear under the dress I've made for Rob's graduation), then I had blueberry pancakes with raspberries and honey for my lunch, and a stir fry for my tea. I also did some pilates today - my thighs and stomach are killing me. Then I ate a magnum xD. So not completely good, but certainly better than yesterday.

Got many busy days ahead of me, but I'm looking forward to them. Hopefully tomorrow will go well, and I won't end the day in tears.

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