Friday 12 July 2013

Working Out and Passing Exams

Guess what?!

I passed both my resit exams. Yaaaaay :D I am so beyond happy. I am finally entering into my final year at university. I've waited so long for this and now I'm here and I can barely believe this.

There may have been a Chinese take-away ordered and eaten tonight, but I can neither confirm or deny that haha. Right now I'm starting to think about my holiday, got my list done of what I want to take, as that way I should be able to pack a little easier and without too much hassle.

My gym has been shut, so I've been working out at home and with the weather being so beautiful I've been doing so outside. Not today unfortunately, as my knee and hip are going crazy! Proper shooting pains every so often when I walk. Not pleasant at all, hoping it's better for tomorrow.

Anyway, so I created this workout. There's a warm up, the workout and some stretching. It's an all over workout, with some cardio and some strength. Incorporate weights/bottles of water to make it harder and add resistance, but everything can be done without weights too.

It's a very long workout, so I've placed it under the cut. If you have a go at this, please let me know :)

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