Monday 25 March 2013


I fell of the wagon. In a big way.

The last couple of weeks I've been running - loads. This Zombies, Run! app is ridiculous for getting me running. The problem comes because I've been craving carbs. Chips and pizza and crisps and biscuits and cakes. Because obviously with me running more, there's been a significant calorific deficit. I should have been strong and filled it with fruit and veg and good things. But I didn't.

I'm pretty sure I'm back up to about 143lb. Which wouldn't bother me, except I can feel it. I know I've put on weight in the last two weeks.

It doesn't help that my parents went away and left us with crisps and biscuits and such like - and I've been baking! Sticky ginger cake, treacle tart, and ginger biscuits. It's not been good.

So I'm determined to turn myself around. This morning I spent 30 minutes dancing in my living room, using the Wii - Just Dance. It was so much fun too! And hopefully today I'll get my gym membership sorted out for while I'm home from uni :).

This morning I'm drinking a clean raspberry smoothie - 1/3 cup raspberries, same of blueberries, half a banana and enough apple juice to make it runny. I'm hopefully going to cut out as much dairy as I can, plus all the sugary biscuits and things :)

Here's hoping I can get back going :D

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