Wednesday 26 June 2013


The other night I was talking to my fiance, we stayed up till 1am talking in fact - t'was nice. Anyway, at one point we got on about fitness, and about me going to the gym and what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.

I started on the whole 'weight loss journey' for just that - to lose weight. But along the way my reasons for exercising and eating right has changed, and that's come from the experiences I've had in trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

First off, what have been the benefits I've noticed in being healthy:

  • I haven't been ill nearly as much as last year
  • I feel better - not just physically, but emotionally - I'm more able to deal with the stresses in my life
  • I've saved money
  • I feel more confident when I go to the gym name a few.

All of those things, not one truly has anything to do with losing weight. They're to do with simply feeling better on the whole. And the other day I realised why I go to the gym, why I want to eat well and be as healthy as I can be; I want to be strong and fit to deal with life's ups and downs.

This may be tmi, but I want to be able to have marathon sex without getting tired. I want to be able to run for a bus (should I ever have to), I want to be able to run away should anyone try to attack me, or I want to be able to fight back, and be stronger than any assailant. I want to be able to carry heavy boxes with ease and not worry about hurting myself, I want to be able to run up lots of flights of stairs without it killing me. 

These are the reasons I run and I lift weights and do pilates. Not to fit into jeans a size too small, or to see the numbers go down on the scale - they're simply the markers of progress, not the end game.

I haven't been to the gym the last couple of days, as I've been moving out my flat, but I'm back tomorrow, and shall be posting my workout on here for you :). Trying some new moves :D

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