Tuesday 18 June 2013

Yummy Lunches and Exercising in the Sun

It's a delightful day today! Lovely and warm, terribly sunny and I've been awake for hours!

This morning I took my mam and her car to the MOT place, then I went to my nanas, and made the bodice of my dress (post to follow). I then took my mam to pick up her car, then had my lunch. 'Twas super yummy! I was wanting to cut out bread and chips, but my mam bought ciabatta from ASDA so I kind of had to have one. I topped them with avocado, tomato and mozarella, then toasted it :).

Then I went outside and exercised!

Got me sunnies on :). As you can see I used my yoga mat, but even still I'm covered in a rather horrible red rash - I'm quite allergic to grass, but only when touching it.

Tonight I'm going back up to our flat to finish cleaning it, after the pub quiz of course (we won last week!), then I get my level three results on Thursday morning. I'm just about holding on to my sanity...just.

Hopefully we'll actually get our holiday booked soon too :)

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