Friday 28 June 2013

Exercise and Low Calorie Day

As you may know, I use both Fitocracy and MyFitnessPal. I think they're awesome apps and perfect for keeping a track of your fitness and food. Plus I LOVE gaining levels on fitocracy :).

This is the workout I tracked today:
I hope you can see that. I'm very achy, especially after working out yesterday too. I'm planning on having the weekend off, but I may end up popping to the gym tomorrow - we'll see.

Now, on MyFitnessPal, when I know what I'm going to be eating I like putting everything in early, then I just add in snacks as I go. is just bizarre!

I ate these awesome pancakes for breakfast (photo & recipe below), then had bacon, beans and grilled tomatoes for lunch, a weight watchers yogurt as snack, and we're going to have this Rosemary Conley recipe pork chili for tea with a baked potato.

Now, none of that is diet food, I think you'll agree? It's not necessarily 'low calorie' (except that it is). But it's filling and yummy and I know I won't be hungry now until tea time.

These are the pancakes :D

1 sachet instant oats
1 egg
1/4 cup milk

Mix it all together, then fry it :) and I placed sliced strawberries and honey inside. t'was yummy!!

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