Wednesday 13 February 2013

Post-birthday Work Out

Yesterday was my 22nd birthday! I had an amazing day in Durham with Rob before coming home and eating  lots of chocolate and sweets and pancakes. Then we had caterpillar birthday cake with my friends and played Carcasonne and card games :)

Now it's the start of Lent, and I'm still not sure what I'm giving up. Last year I gave up bread, but I'm already not eating bread - pretty much - so there doesn't seem to be much point. I was thinking dairy, but I'm a student, without much money so it seems wasteful to say that I won't eat the many yogurts that I have in my fridge. I'm thinking like 'white carbs' - pasta, white rice etc. but I don't know. Maybe I'll just keep trying to be healthy and things - it's not like I'm religious.

I was going to go to the gym today, but it's snowing and cold and I don't want to. So instead I've done this workout:

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