Saturday 9 February 2013


When I decided to start this diet thing, I knew it would be hard. While I wasn't radically cutting my calories (I was already having about 1500), I knew it would be difficult to essentially cut out 'bad carbs'.

My daily diet before this went something like this:
Breakfast - some form of cereal (usually Shreddies) with semi-skimmed and sugar
Lunch - Sandwich, usually ham, cheese and tomato toasted. Always white bread (I'm a student, it's generally cheaper). Plus a packet of crisps and a piece of fruit.
Tea - generally chicken/fish/pizza from the freezer with chips.
Then there'd be crisps or cakes or chocolate after tea.
I've never been a big snacker, when I snack it's usually later on a night, rather than during the day.

This was why I knew having smoothies for two meals would be difficult. At first it wasn't. I was excited about it, it was something new and my life had got all a bit boring to be honest. So the first week was easy. The second week, however, not so much. And this week gone just went to hell. At least during the second week I was still walking to uni every day, and almost every day I had smoothies for two of my meals.

The first week was amazing. I lost 3lb, and felt so much better about myself. But then I got ill, it snowed really bad, and I got a cold, and it all went to shit.

So this is me restarting. I'm going to kill it this week with healthy eating (although Tuesday is both my birthday and Shrove Tuesday, so that doesn't count). I'm going to go to the gym as many days as I can manage, I'm going to walk to uni, and I'm going to be good.


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