Tuesday 29 January 2013

Afternoon Exercises

Just done these exercises from backonpointe. I didn't do them in their entirety, I missed some bits out, but I'm knackered now!! Going to do a little bit of work, then walk to my friends...hopefully I can get a lift home, I might die otherwise haha.
I only did workouts 1 and 2

I only did the 'Workout' and 'Stretching' bits

Any moves that I wasn't sure about I youtube'd, and I also added weights to some of these too, just to make it a bit harder.

I didn't really break a sweat, but I live in a top floor flat, so I can't exactly be doing jumping jacks or jumping about. But while I'm not going to the gym, doing these little routines and walking everywhere will hopefully work quite well :)

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