Tuesday 22 January 2013

Roasted Vegetable Soup

Afternoon. I've just spent 2 hours cleaning my flat in preparation for people coming over to see if they want to rent it. It is now spotless, and I'm intending for it to stay this way.
Rob's gone to his exam, and the snow's started again - yippy.

Need something warm for my lunch, so I'm having a dabble at a home made soup. Like all these smoothies, I'm making it up as I go, unless I say where I got the recipe from - so everything on here is my own.

1 carrot - peeled, chopped and boiled
1 onion chopped
2 tomatoes chopped
Little bit of Worcestershire sauce
Bit of salt and pepper for taste
and as much boiling water as you want

Pop the chopped tomatoes and onions on a baking tray and slam in the oven on high until all nice as soft/roasted. While they're cooking, boil the carrot. Then shove all of it into the blender with a little Worcestershire sauce and blitz until smooth.
Then add however much water you want until it's as thick or smooth as you like :D

I also had two slices of bread with mine, so that's included in the calorie count.

Nutritional Info
255 Calories
9.2g Fibre
10.2g Protein
199.2% Vitamin A
54.8% Vitamin C
6.6% Iron

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