Friday 25 January 2013

I just...

want to sleep.

Actually, that's a lie. I don't want to sleep, I'm feeling pretty energetic actually, but my first lectures over and I don't want to go to my seminar at 12.

It's about sexual health, and while I'm fine with talking about sex and drugs and things like that as they pertain to health, I'm not sure everyone will be. No doubt they'll be some gigglers, and I'll want to do something violent. It happens all the time. It's amazing really.

Seminars on depression - suicide even (which is a topic quite close to me) - and they laugh. Like seriously? You think depression is funny? *sigh*

Anyway. I'm going to go. I've got to go, even if I don't want to. And it's not just the topic. The stuff the doctor gave me yesterday for my 'embarrassing healthy problem' gives me a horrible headache, and it doesn't seem to work when I'm having to sit for 2 hours. I'm not sure if I can sit through a 2 hour seminar - I might cry...or be sick like yesterday.

It's not going well. Friday's are always bad for me. It's always more difficult to get into Friday morning lectures or do just about anything but sit in bed. I can do work! I generally get a ton of work done on a Friday so I can have the weekend just about off (except for actual work), but getting into uni's hard.
I need to work on that.

Got myself all sorted this morning though. I'm going home tonight (I go to uni 35 miles away from home where I work on occasional Saturday's), but at home I don't have a freezer drawer full of frozen fruit, so I've made these:
Three freezer bags full of fruit so I can blend myself breakfast and lunch on Saturday and just breakfast on Sunday (I have a Sunday lunch with my family).

Just need to remember to take them home, and I'll be sorted.

Weighing myself in the morning too, kinda scared, I really hope I haven't put anything on. I haven't been as good as I wanted to be, what with a night playing games with the girls when we went through a box of sour patch kids. Also me and the fiance have been eating chocolate a couple of nights. Must be good this weekend!

Almost time for seminar. *sigh* It doesn't help that the girl I usually sit with isn't coming in.

Don't make me go?

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