Sunday 20 January 2013

Beef Chili

So instead of having a Sunday lunch, we're having a beef chili with rice. It's super easy, been cooking since last night, and very warming, which is just what we need when we've had so much bloody snow.

Ingredients (for 4 portions)
450g Beef mince (preferably as lean as you can get - ours wasn't lean at all)
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
1 tin of kidney beans (drained)
1 onion - chopped
200mL beef stock (made from stock cube)
Spices - chilli powder, cumin, salt, pepper and a taco sachet (just as much or as little as you want)

Brown the mince and the onion, then add in the chopped tomatoes and beef stock, let it all simmer away, then add your kidney beans and your spices to taste. Let it simmer for about 10-20 minutes, then pour it all in the slow cooker (or do what we did and portion off two portions into tubs to freeze, so there's just enough in the slow cooker for the two of us).
We left it cooking overnight, and we're going to eat it now with a Uncle Bens 2 minute basmati rice packet between us.

Nutritional Info (per portion)
513 calories
30.1g fat
4.2g fiber
30.6g protein

It was sooooo tasty! Homemade food is always infinitely better than shop bought stuff.
Also, I know it's only been like 3 days since I started this whole 'smoothies for two meals a day' thing, but I do feel so much better. I feel...bright eyed and bushy tailed :D


  1. Sounds amazing! Thats great that you are beginning to feel better.
